Discover How to juggle 3 balls. Being able to juggle 3 balls doesn't make you better than a non-juggler, or as I call them, nons. It does however make you a better juggler.
Showing posts with label juggling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label juggling. Show all posts

Different styles of Juggling Performance

Different styles of Juggling Performance

Different styles of Juggling Performance

If you have already asked to put together a show, and you have the basic skills of juggling, but you wonder what to do, then this article is for you. If the show is to last more than 5 minutes (for example, more than one routine) then I suggest to use a mixture of more than one of these styles.

Juggling Comedy: 

It's great to show the world their technical skills juggle surprising if you have one, but if you are in front of children, who are most likely to enjoy while juggling a stupid behavior and even when you drop! The comedy could include public participation, getting volunteers on stage (as long as the end result is that they are made to look like a hero), and lots of slapstick and mistakes (like slipping into a scarf experts stressed juggling that walk round several previous occasions). Comedy is also ideal for use in the construction of their major finals dangerous, and allows you to make the final round successfully (which can not take effect for 30sec) last 5-10 minutes!

Juggling music: 

This is a piece of music or maybe even a team made some friends who can play instruments and can be your support! Note that if you plan to film shows and the sale of copies, and then not be able to include copyrighted music (unless you pay the copyright owner or have permission).

Magic and juggling: 

If you can learn a little magic, you can use these skills to improve their juggling routines. Here are some examples:

Make your accessories juggling appear and disappear using a leak scholarship
The use of a magic square and transforming it into a circle which can be used as a ring Malabares
Las Vegas style glitz and glamor and sheer technical ability! fantastic, beautiful scenery, beautiful costumes seek support masterclass and a fantastic show well rehearsed. This is not an easy style to use if you are a beginner with little experience in performance, but I thought it was worth including in this list as a style that could aspire to!

Other things to try:

Glow : 

it is amazing how even the simplest look brilliant juggling equipment, especially if you can sync music to your moves!

Fire :

be very careful and never with fire, once you have spoken with other interpreters of fire that can give advice on the best security procedures to ensure that nobody gets hurt. Imagine doing a show in, but right at the end, asking all the people who put their coats and leave the big finale! If you have an insurance liability artists, then you should check that you are covered for dangerous objects like fire and knives.

Position on Stage : 

If you are still in place for each routine, consider a routine that involves sitting or lying or carried across the stage. Move and take full advantage of the bases for routine and then you can be around in one spot to another. Acrobatics is another way to get around. If you can give a somersault, doing an update, or salto pirouette, then add this to your juggling routines!

Wide range of accessories: 

A show of 20 minutes that contains nothing more than 3 ball juggling can be annoying, especially if you do not know a lot of laps, but imagine a routine involving 10 different media (now you just do 2 minutes with each pillar, and even less if you add a bit of comedy and a little magic)! Even with only scarves, balls, rings and clubs are available, you can mix these together to make something scarf and ball juggling, or a ball and juggling ring (ball passes through the ring) and the use of these media in different ways (balance of a club or a club rolling on the floor, etc.).

I hope these ideas will help you when preparing for their first shows. Keep a note of your routines and all your thoughts and ideas so that when you are asked to perform addition, you have routines that are ready to use it again or adjust a little!

Posted by reda bacha in , | 12:21:00 PM 1 comment

Juggling Three Clubs

Juggling Three Clubs
Juggling Three Clubs
Have you learned cascade 3 balls yet? It is much easier to build your way clubs learning through practice first juggling balls.

3 Cascade Club

The waterfall is the first model to learn juggling with 3 clubs. the same method 3 steps you used in learning the waterfall with rings, scarves and balls are still ...

Step 1 : 

Practice throwing a club side to the other in an arc which is a little above head height, until fairly consistent. The questions should not be out of your body, but upward. The club must make a full turn and should be able to catch cleanly at the end of the handle.

Step 2 : 

Keep a club in each hand. before a mixture. Well reached its highest point, throw the other club in the first, at the same height.

Step 3 :

Two clubs must keep in your strong hand and a stick in the weaker hand. Start by taking a club of the strongest hand. When the first peaks of the ball, pull the opposite hand. When this club peaks, throw the first part and go ... You may have to experiment with different ways of holding two clubs in one hand so that you get a good first try.
The pattern of the cascade using 3 clubs juggling Remember that quitting is a sign of progress ... Some people suggest that it helps to build up to 3 clubs using a stick and two balls. Other people say that what is most annoying, because you have to get used to two different types of shooting (throwing a normal ball and snatched the club) during a routine. It might be useful if you're stuck!

Following? (Some ideas!)

Most of the stuff you can do with balls, can be done with the clubs as well.
Learn some tricks Club 3
Try swinging the club (do a search on Google for more information!)
Consider learning the club juggling 4 (note that the first pattern is learned with 4 clubs are not the waterfall!)

If you can juggle scarves, balls, hoops and clubs, then you should be able to juggle objects in the right, because they tend to act as one of these types of prop (eg, oranges behave like a ball, bottles behave like a club)!
circus skills in learning Plan manipulation or diabolo devilstick!

Posted by reda bacha in , | 12:17:00 PM No comments

3 Tricks ball juggling 

3 Tricks ball juggling - Starts, pauses and stops
Now that you've mastered the waterfall and some simple tricks, the next thing is to work to develop a small routine. This section will present some techniques to start, pause and finish your routine. From a routine, you can be done with just 3 balls cascade, or any of the things listed below, which are a bit flashier! Interrupting a routine gives the public the opportunity to applaud their efforts, and finish properly, it will show the public that your routine is complete and must applaud loudly and give your hard earned money!

Begin juggling

Most people simply start by going directly to a waterfall, and move on from there, but there are some tricks without much difficulty starting can be learned:

Divided Ball 2 : 

Start with two balls in one hand, side by side (unlike online to another) When you throw the ball, you need to divide (a ball should go back and down, and another ball must cross to the other side, ready to cascade or another trick!

3 Flash Bullets : 

Remove the three balls in the air very quickly, then take two balls (2 closest to the ground) and start juggling! The third ball acts as the first shot of the waterfall.

3 Pills Balls :

This is useful (especially in the pool room / pool when you want to impress someone)! You have to place 3 balls in a line in front of you, and quickly discard all 3 in the air and start juggling the waterfall! Best to practice this trick with normal balls on a soft mat to start! Start by running every ball high (to make sure you have time to catch and throw again) and soon to throw the ball a little to start.


Under Chin :

Juggle with 3 balls cascade then have a little higher than the rest ball. This will give you time to quickly put the ball under the chin, and take the ball thrown. Looking at the audience, and wait for the applause! For additional applause, you should be able to throw a ball again and catch the ball under the chin and continue the waterfall!

Capture the Neck : 

Throw a ball in the air (not too high), then bend your head forward and extend your arms and lift them slightly (which helps to form a hole in the back of your neck so that the ball will land on). This requires a lot of practice. To exit a retaining collar, your head is down, then turn the head back, to force the ball in the air.


To end a routine, you should try to finish with his best lap and catch the ball cleanly, so it is ready to take a bow or you can try the following idea:

Flash :

Like starting a routine, a flash can be used to finish one! Just take 3 high balls and catch! If you are fast (and to ground), you can make a quick return, or take a hat to fall (the possibilities are endless).

Juggle Bounce Flash :

If you use one or more juggling balls bounce, so you can generate one or more balls in the air, do a twirl and bounce all after finally catch all!

I have many other articles juggle them to juggle scarves, balls, sticks, rings and juggling 3, 4 and 5 balls. Enough to keep you busy for a while!


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